
Zounds. A hearty welcome to the internet blog thing that we set up for our zine distro. It's called hoojemaflap because we're simply amazing at um, like naming ... stuff yeah?

Monday, 28 December 2009

southampton fotos

Fashionably late, here's some fotos from the Southampton Zine and Craft Fayre, which was actually awesome. I got completely drenched TWICE in one weekend, met nice new people, drank real ale in real pubs, went to a punk show in a conservatory and managed to pick up some bargains at John Dyas. And we sold some zines. And Unity FM focken rocks!

Emma wrote a report - http://www.facebook.com/notes/emma-jane-falconer/southampton-zine-craft-fair/181613491546

Here's some fotos....

1 The event itself (context is everything so they say):

2 This is the money shot. Trouser rubbing tastic zine action. Oooh just look at all those lovely zines etc etc

3 Ja ja das ist ein funky pattern

4 Emma doing a good job of being completely soaked at an early stage in the proceedings

5 In the pub. That's them Vampire Sushi people on the right. And big Steve Lamond (Southampton's finest) on the left.

6 Ellie being hungover in a broken fonebox. There's probably something metaphorical going on.

7 Apparently they know how to party in Southampton

8 Wahey! I stole this one from Emma's facebook coz it's a classic!

Saturday, 26 December 2009

the current plan for brighton zinefest 2010

Thursday 18th February:

Zine and craft trading evening (cash-free), acoustic music, beer, cakes.
Coachwerks art space, 7-11pm, free

Friday 19th February:

Gig! The Arteries, Social Club, Rooftops, This Business Is Closed, Sauna Youth. Putting the fun in fundraiser.
Cowley Club, 12 London Road. £5/donations. 7.30pm till late

Saturday 20th February:

Zine Fayre, workshops, talks, snacks.
Hanover Community Centre.1.30-5.30pm, free

Vegan dinner and a show. BYOB. Westhill Community Hall 7.30-11pm

Sunday 21st February:

Vegan Sunday roast and film showings.
Cowley Club, 12 London Road, 11am onwards

Friday, 25 December 2009

new for 2010

yay new stuff ...

transgender liberation - leslie feinberg - £1
using space four - £1
rolling dumpster - strangers in a tangled wilderness - FREE
the necrosocial - civic life, social death and the university of california - FREE
why she doesn't give a fuck about your insurrection- FREE

plus lots of other good stuff still in stock

ellie reckons we should do mail order, what do you think?