
Zounds. A hearty welcome to the internet blog thing that we set up for our zine distro. It's called hoojemaflap because we're simply amazing at um, like naming ... stuff yeah?

Thursday, 4 February 2010


February is exceedingly busy.

First a few new additions to the distro in the shape of the new issues of Suspect Device and Jerk Store, plus a new split zine from Ripping Thrash and You Can't Say No To Hope! Woah there.

At least they are new additions in theory as we haven't received them yet at Hoojemaflap HQ. Well, we haven't technically paid for them yet. Excitement levels remian high however.

Excitement levels may go into overdrive in two weeks time because it's the frigging Brighton Zine Fest! We've got loads of great stall holders coming and Hoojemaflap will be making an appearance somewhere. If you've got a zine and you want to bring it down then we have an individual zines table where you can drop it (thanks for the idea London!) but just come and have a LOOK at all the PRETTY things that will be there. Saturday 20th Feb, Hanover Community Centre, Brighton. 1.30-5.30pm

There's other stuff going on too, Thursday is the swap shop night at Coachwerks, bring stuff for trading. Friday is our gig at the Cowley Club, Arteries and Social Club are headlining. Saturday evening is a vegan meal and entertainments at the West Hill Hall, then its back to the Cowley for a vegan Sunday roast. get in.

Also, just because we're not busy enough already this month Hoojemaflap will be hauled out to various gigs around Brighton. Probably. It could all go to pot if we get drunk.

Finally, remember to check out the Alternative Press Fair on Saturday 13th Feb at Aloysius Social Club in London. Look out for our comrade Emma flapping BZF flyers at you and try her panda cakes, they are awesome.